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Kaua’i Spring Break 2024
We’re excited to dive deep into Mother Nature, exploring the connections between Nature around us & within us! We’ll focus on a natural element for each day of the week, learning and exploring Nature (and ourselves) through the power of the elements and our interdependence with them.

Tap for Details

We’ll explore how the elements operate within our bodies and in ecological systems, harvest edible wild plants to make teas and salves, plant trees and learn digestible nutrition facts at the Food Forest, and have lots of fun along the way!

Note: When bringing awareness to the magical wonder of Nature and her symbiotic relationship with our human body, side-effects may include:

  • Increased risk of self-love & care for Earth
  • Deeper groundedness & confidence in Nature
  • Loss of interest in iPads
  • Mild or potentially insatiable curiosity
  • Elevated bodily awareness
  • Chronic “stoked on life” attitude

Spring Break nature locations are in East Kaua’i / North Shore (Kapa’a — Princeville)

To sign up, call/text Zeff at:
** Our small group will fill quickly! **

“I’m so grateful…

…my two boys were able to experience your care and Mother Nature again. They remember everything you teach them (every plant!), but above all you bring them comfort through your shared experiences. Mahalo!!!”
— Natalie M.

“You are the best teacher I know…

…You are very fun to play with. And I like doing cartwheels with you. I had fun at your nature camp. And it was very fun!”
— Kiki, age 6

“I was concerned at first…

…having a male teacher, I had preconceived notions about it. But after a few days my daughter came home and said Zeff was her favorite teacher. He’s a rich source of knowledge, and my daughter learned a lot about flora and fauna of Kauai. The thing I value the most when looking for great teachers is if they’re a wonderful being. Because the only thing you teach children is who you are. I think Zeff has reached a level of consciousness that makes him a great role model for the children to follow. When I leave my daughter with him I have confidence that she will be seen as she is and fully accepted with love” ❤️
— Laura B.

“What I love about this program…

…is it’s so raw and real. My kids come home barefoot and I see their growth since that morning. They’re able to challenge themselves and face their fears and Zeff helps them in amazing ways. I’m so thankful for the time my kids get to spend with him.”
— Sarah H.

“It’s hard to come by a mentor…

…like Zeff. His emotional maturity has honestly changed my son’s life and helped me out as a dad. I do my best but he’s been able to tune into my son’s needs in ways I wasn’t able to before. He’s being himself more than ever. Thank you for your role in his life and I can’t wait for our daughter to be old enough to join the adventures!”
— Nathan B.


Hawaiian (noun)
A new leaf, a budding flower, new growth, a young child
The Vision
The Process

Through Nature immersion journeys, wilderness skill-building, and kinesthetic farm & gardening experiences, we guide children into deeper connection and relationship with the vivid cycles of life in soil, water, ecosystems, and human health born of a harmonious relationship with Earth.

The Result